Dr Tony KO Pat-sing
Chief Executive
Message from Chief Executive
Cancer, as the top killer in Hong Kong, is posing huge and growing burden to the healthcare system. Such burden also includes the high cost of cancer care not only for the patients but also the society as a whole. Sustainable and quality cancer service requires joint effort from different stakeholders to build an effective system that promotes prevention as well as early detection and timely treatment.
The Hospital Authority (“HA”) welcomes the announcement of the Hong Kong Cancer Strategy (“Cancer Strategy”) by the Government for cancer prevention and control, and will align with the priority and direction stipulated in the Cancer Strategy to strengthen the services provided to cancer patients and carers. The HA illustrated a series of strategies along the cancer care journey to attain early detection and diagnosis, timely and effective cancer treatment, and seamless transitional care for cancer survivors and end-of-life patients in the Cancer Strategy. In parallel, the HA published the Strategic Service Framework for Cancer Services (“Framework”) in December 2019 to ensure that the development of cancer services in the HA aligns with the future direction of cancer services in Hong Kong as a whole. The Framework sets out five strategic directions for the HA to improve adult cancer services, the scope of which covers the governance and cluster service organisation, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and performance monitoring. It outlines the strategies and key enablers required to improve the service model and build the system infrastructure to achieve its vision “All cancer patients receive timely, coordinated and patient-centred care in their cancer journey”.
Cancer patients and carers may feel anxious and helpless during treatment and self-care process due to limited contact with healthcare professionals and lack of knowledge. In this connection, the Government announced the development of an online resource hub in the Cancer Strategy so that cancer patients and carers can get access to accurate and reliable cancer information so as to improve their self-care skills as well as strengthen their ability on disease management.
I look forward to the continuing collaboration with different stakeholders in actualising the Cancer Strategy in the years to come, fighting against cancer and building a healthier community together.